Good question from der Führer
A "systematic" Jewish holocaust was impossible because the Nazis had no objective and reliable ways of identifying Jews and non-Jews.
I wonder why there are not more Darwinist holocaust-deniers.
Labels: Darwin-to-HItler (new #1)
Hitler's understanding of the conventional theory of evolution, which biologists have long referred to as "Darwinism," was undoubtedly quite poor. But basic Darwinist ideas such as biological progress through struggle and death, through the "war of nature" to which Darwin ascribed the origin of species in his book, heavily influenced the Nazis. And eugenics was a direct consequence of Darwinist thinking; its founder, Galton, was Darwin's cousin and disciple. The Nazi program was largely based upon eugenics.
Hitler wasn't an orthodox Darwinist, but many other Nazi leaders appear to have been conventional Darwinists. And Hitler's ally Mussolini was a genuine disciple of Darwin. The rise of the fascist and Nazi dictatorships of the 20th century is virtually inconceivable, without Darwinist doctrine.
Why aren't there more Darwinists who question the conventional line on the Holocaust? Because Darwinists became Darwinists in the first place by accepting the conventional line in academia etc., on the origin of species. And they remain Darwinists only by continuing to refuse to question that line.
Hence they will similarly refuse to question conventional notions about the Holocaust: for they are essentially conformists, and conventionalists. (I incidentally, have no particular views on the Holocaust, one way or the other.)
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