Discovery Institute authors cleared of charge of "plagiarizing" their own book
Update: Mr. Browder wrote back and informs me that Prof. DeWolf did not sign the agreement verifying originality until after the article had been rewritten. I'd say that pretty much resolves everyone of any unethical conduct in this situation and brings this little tempest in a teapot to an anti-climactic conclusion.
Here is a list of this blog's articles concerning Judge Jones' "plagiarism":
More thoughts about Judge Jones' "plagiarism"
The real reason why Judge Jones ignored defense arguments
Important conclusions of law in the Dover opinion were ghostwritten by ACLU
The Living End: Judge Jones' infamous statement about the Founders' "true religion" is a plagiarism
Ninety percent plagiarism figure suggests that Dover ID-as-science opinion is one-sided
Is "plagiarism" by judges a standard practice?
Plagiarism charge hits general media
Articles on "plagiarism" charge against Judge Jones
Brayton's answer to "plagiarism" charge against Judge Jones
Behe says Judge Jones plagiarized Dover plaintiffs' briefs
Here again are my two limericks about Judge Jones:
There once was a jurist named Jones,
who had a head just full of bones.
The opinions he wrote
did nothing but quote,
and therefore were just full of clones.
There once was a jurist named Jones,
who was known as a real lazybones.
He could not disguise
that he did plagiarize,
and his statements were just full of clones.
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