Creators of Barney are to blame for this stuff

From an article titled "Daniel in the Dino's Den -- Why it would be a sin not to include dinosaurs in illustrated children's Bibles"

Another insult to Islam that could get us into deep-shit trouble: "The Jihad to Destroy Barney" roleplaying game.
These are results of mass-marketing an asinine purple T.Rex to kids as a cuddly, lovable creature.
The Barney theme song (my version), sung to tune of "This Old Man":
I hate you,
you hate me,
that's a Barney parody.
With a big lawsuit,
and a curse from me to you,
won't you say you hate me too?
Original version:
I love you,
you love me.
we're a happy family.
With a great big hug,
and a kiss from me to you,
won't you say you love me too?
Labels: Cartoons
Several lines of your song seem to have been plagiarized. They certainly aren't original.
ViW, damn you, do you have to spoil everything? All the lines are in fact original because I composed them independently, but who cares?
O.K. You didn't plagairize them. You independently came up with the same words as others. It is believable because it is simple minded.
Damn you, ViW, I can't post anything without you finding some reason to belittle it. What reason is there to believe that my parody of Barney's theme song is not unique? I spent a lot of time searching the Internet and could not even find another complete parody of the song (though I am sure they are out there).
Here is another one (the first three lines are not mine):
I love you,
you love me,
this is bestiality.
With a great big phug,
and a smooch from me to you,
I wish you were a T.Rex too.
"Human" can be substituted for "T.Rex," depending on who is singing the song.
A Barney lawsuit is described here.
> I spent a lot of time searching the Internet and could not even find another complete parody of the song <
So you are inept. Have you ever heard of Google?
ViW driveled --
>>>> So you are inept. <<<<<<
If you're so smart, why don't you start your own blog? Or why don't you write a guest article for Alan Fox's Languedoc Diary blog? He has been inviting guest articles for his blog since May 16 -- so far there hasn't been a single taker.
>>>>>> Have you ever heard of Google? <<<<<<
Of course I have heard of Google! The AOL search engine is enhanced by Google.
Instead of just criticizing, why don't you find some other parodies of Barney's theme song? Or write some yourself?
> If you're so smart, why don't you start your own blog? <
Why do you assume that I don't have one? I wouldn't mention it here because I don't want your spam attacks.
> Of course I have heard of Google! The AOL search engine is enhanced by Google. <
Good grief! You are using AOL rather than a serious browser?
> Instead of just criticizing, why don't you find some other parodies of Barney's theme song? <
Because the field is too crowded.
>>>>>> If you're so smart, why don't you start your own blog? <
Why do you assume that I don't have one? <<<<<<
You are obviously too dumb and lazy to have one.
>>>>> I wouldn't mention it here because I don't want your spam attacks. <<<<<<
What a lousy hypocrite -- so you come here and clutter up my blog with your spam. And I cannot delete a lot of your stuff because of my no-censorship policy.
>>>>> Good grief! You are using AOL rather than a serious browser? <<<<<<
The AOL browser IS the Google browser. I can't see any difference between the two.
>>>>>> Instead of just criticizing, why don't you find some other parodies of Barney's theme song? <
Because the field is too crowded. <<<<<<
Talk is cheap -- you have not come up with a single parody of Barney's theme song.
The dimwit said...
> You are obviously too dumb and lazy to have one. <
You have a blog and you are obviously dumber than nearly everyone who posts here.
> What a lousy hypocrite -- so you come here and clutter up my blog with your spam. <
I have not posted any spam. You seem to believe that any argument you can't refute or anything that points out the many errors of your posts is spam. As usual you are redefining words.
> The AOL browser IS the Google browser. I can't see any difference between the two. <
I am sure you can't, nor can you tell the difference between them and a serious browser.
> you have not come up with a single parody of Barney's theme song. <
Nor can I find a purpose to do so. Just because you want to make a fool of yourself doesn't mean that others have to follow.
If you want this blog to be taken seriously you will have to eliminate the childishness.
> The AOL browser IS the Google browser. I can't see any difference between the two. <
< I am sure you can't, nor can you tell the difference between them and a serious browser. >
> you have not come up with a single parody of Barney's theme song. <
Google search with the phrase "parody barney's theme song" produces 2030 various hits. AOL's browser (which claims to be "with Google") produces almost the same list, and in the same order. (Must be due to co-evolution -- LOL.)
I think you should both lighten up, but then someone else would have to provide the entertainment.
Can you imagine someone making childish parodies of the Barney song and calling other bloggers "Fathead" and "Sleezy" wanting to be taken seriously?
Voice in Suburbanness said...
>>>>> Google search with the phrase "parody barney's theme song" produces 2030 various hits. AOL's browser (which claims to be "with Google") produces almost the same list, and in the same order. (Must be due to co-evolution -- LOL.) <<<<<<
That's not co-evolution -- that's cloning.
I wasn't able to find any complete parodies of Barney's theme song. There was just one that began something like, "I love you, you love me, we should all just kill Barney," or something like that. So I decided to expand that into the San Diego Chicken's theme song (the S.D. Chicken used to beat up Barney in ball game skits) --
I love you,
you love me,
we should all just kill Barney.
With a great big sock,
and a big slug in his gut,
we should all kick Barney's butt.
And here is my improved version of one of my old ones --
I love you,
you love me,
this is bestiality.
With a great big screw,
and a smooch from me to you,
I wish you were a T.Rex (human) too.
Other cartoon characters have been ridiculed, e.g., Mickey Mouse. We have Mickey Mouse watches and the term "mickey mouse," which means, well, "mickey mouse." But Barney is in a class by himself when it comes to ridicule. Wikipedia has a big article devoted to anti-Barney humor. For example, this website says,
Since 1995, when the website Newgrounds was established, several fan-made cartoons demeaning Barney have appeared, some of them depicting Barney as a drug addict or a terrorist. One of the most popular includes "Barney Busdriver", which depicts Barney as a drug addict/alcoholic/sadist who is driving an elementary school bus. Another animation portrays Barney as a friend of Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein and depicts him sexually assaulting a young girl. [citation needed]
"Citation needed"? I thought that everything in Wikipedia had to come from a reliable verifiable non-partisan source.
It is child abuse to present a T. Rex to young children as a sweet, cute, cuddly, lovable creature. It does not teach kids to fear dangerous animals and could result in great harm to the kids someday. Young kids are extremely impressionable -- I heard of a kid who poisoned himself by drinking turpentine (or some other vile fluid) out of a pop bottle because he was conditioned to think of pop bottles as containing something very good. The kids get a lot of conditioning from Barney because they spend many hours watching him on TV and they may also play with a Barney doll or other Barney toys. The wolf in Little Red Riding Hood is a fictional character but at least he is like a real wolf: "What big teeth you have, grandma!"
Like pink elephants, Barney is like a hallucination and his creators were probably high on LSD or some other psychedelic drug when they dreamed him up.
Barney's creators acted surprised when Barney was lampooned, and sued the lampooners.
> I wasn't able to find any complete parodies of Barney's theme song. <
Incredible. If you take the first 10 pages in a Google search you will find about 20 of them.
> Other cartoon characters have been ridiculed, e.g., Mickey Mouse. We have Mickey Mouse watches <
I don't think you would find another perosn who would believe that Mickey Mouse watches were made to ridicule Mickey Mouse. They were made to make a great deal of money from fans, which they did.
> "Citation needed"? I thought that everything in Wikipedia had to come from a reliable verifiable non-partisan source. <
Duh? That is why a citation is needed.
> It is child abuse to present a T. Rex to young children as a sweet, cute, cuddly, lovable creature. It does not teach kids to fear dangerous animals <
How about teddy bears? Aren't they also doing the same. How about all of the happy dancing hippos? Hippos are the number one animal killers of humans in Africa.
Then again I suppose that we will have an increase in the number of children killed and maimed by dinosaurs.
Voice in the Wilderness said...
>>>>>>> I wasn't able to find any complete parodies of Barney's theme song. <
Incredible. If you take the first 10 pages in a Google search you will find about 20 of them. <<<<<<
I usually give up after about 3 pages. Most of the important stuff is usually found in the first 3 pages. Anyway, I am still waiting for you to cite a complete parody of Barney's theme song.
>>>>> I don't think you would find another perosn who would believe that Mickey Mouse watches were made to ridicule Mickey Mouse. <<<<<<
That may not have been their purpose, but I think that was their result. I always assumed that the term "mickey mouse" came from the Mickey Mouse watches, which were of poor quality.
Mickey Mouse is a character in a Palestinian children's TV program that promotes terrorism.
>>>>>> "Citation needed"? I thought that everything in Wikipedia had to come from a reliable verifiable non-partisan source. <
Duh? That is why a citation is needed. <<<<<<
I thought that Wikipedia items were supposed to have citations before being posted -- sort of a Catch-22 situation where it is hard to get a citation without being publicized but you can't publicize before you get a citation.
>>>>>> It is child abuse to present a T. Rex to young children as a sweet, cute, cuddly, lovable creature. It does not teach kids to fear dangerous animals <
How about teddy bears? <<<<<<
Good point. Still, though, I don't think that teddy bears ever had as great an influence over kids' lives as Barney does. The Barney & Friends logo shows a silhouette of a goose-stepping Barney like some kind of Pied Piper leading a bunch of kids, including a crawling baby! It is really aggravating to see people get rich over such an asinine invention as Barney.
>>>>>> How about all of the happy dancing hippos? Hippos are the number one animal killers of humans in Africa. <<<<<<
Are you talking about the dancing hippos in the animated movie Fantasia? Simply not a big influence on kids' lives. And kids are not likely to encounter an uncaged hippo outside of Africa.
>>>>>> Then again I suppose that we will have an increase in the number of children killed and maimed by dinosaurs. <<<<<<
A komodo dragon recently killed a boy in Indonesia.
I think that what Barney's owners fear most about the Barney-bashing is the effect it can have on young kids. Young kids tend to view adults and older kids as models and will therefore tend to emulate Barney-bashing -- that's why Barney's owners have sued the Barney-bashers. It is really amazing that the Barney-bashing did not quickly cause Barney to become extinct. But then we wouldn't have this living fossil to kick around anymore.
> I usually give up after about 3 pages. Most of the important stuff is usually found in the first 3 pages. <
The first 3 pages are usually selling something.
> Anyway, I am still waiting for you to cite a complete parody of Barney's theme song. <
I won't do your research for you. Check the 4th, 5th, and 6th reference and you will find them.
>>>>> I don't think you would find another perosn who would believe that Mickey Mouse watches were made to ridicule Mickey Mouse. <<<<<<
> That may not have been their purpose, but I think that was their result. <
I doubt that.
> I always assumed that the term "mickey mouse" came from the Mickey Mouse watches, which were of poor quality. <
You assume a lot. You are rarely correct.
> Mickey Mouse is a character in a Palestinian children's TV program that promotes terrorism. <
And you point is?
> I thought that Wikipedia items were supposed to have citations before being posted <
Some things require citations, others don't.
> sort of a Catch-22 situation where it is hard to get a citation without being publicized but you can't publicize before you get a citation. <
You can publicize all over. You are doing it on this blog. Of course Wikipedia requires reliable sources.
> It is really aggravating to see people get rich over such an asinine invention as Barney. <
How about the Teletubbies?
> And kids are not likely to encounter an uncaged hippo outside of Africa. <
They are also not likely to encounter a purple T-Rex outside of Africa (or in Africa)
> A komodo dragon recently killed a boy in Indonesia. <
And kids are not likely to encounter an uncaged Komodo dragon outside of Indonesia, or even in Indonesia outside the island of Komodo.
> I think that what Barney's owners fear most about the Barney-bashing is the effect it can have on young kids. <
I'm sure that is true.
> It is child abuse to present a T. Rex to young children as a sweet, cute, cuddly, lovable creature. It does not teach kids to fear dangerous animals and could result in great harm to the kids someday. <
I would hold Barney directly responsible if I hear that a young child is attacked by a T. Rex.
ViW says,
>>>>>> Anyway, I am still waiting for you to cite a complete parody of Barney's theme song. <
I won't do your research for you. Check the 4th, 5th, and 6th reference and you will find them. <<<<<<
Talk is cheap. I am still waiting for you to cite a single parody of Barney's theme song.
>>>>> That may not have been their purpose, but I think that was their result. <
I doubt that. <<<<<<
You doubt a lot of true things.
>>>>>> I always assumed that the term "mickey mouse" came from the Mickey Mouse watches, which were of poor quality. <
You assume a lot. You are rarely correct. <<<<<<
What is your theory of where the term "mickey mouse" came from?
>>>>>>> Mickey Mouse is a character in a Palestinian children's TV program that promotes terrorism. <
And you point is? <<<<<<
Maybe they should have chosen Barney for the show instead.
>>>>> I thought that Wikipedia items were supposed to have citations before being posted <
Some things require citations, others don't. <<<<<<
But under the Wickedpedia rules, the things requiring citations are supposed to get them before being posted on Wickedpedia.
>>>>>> Of course Wikipedia requires reliable sources. <<<<<<
Yeah -- like the college dropout who masqueraded as a professor of religion.
>>>>>> It is really aggravating to see people get rich over such an asinine invention as Barney. <
How about the Teletubbies? <<<<<<<
The Teletubbies are not misrepresentations of vicious animals.
BTW, the homophobes have been complaining that the color of one of the Teletubbies, purple, is a gay pride color. I wonder why the same complaint has not been leveled at Barney. Also, the purple teletubby carries a bag that has been likened to a woman's handbag, leading to charges that he is a drag queen. Also, I wonder why I have not seen any complaints that the line "we're a happy family" in Barney's theme song is an endorsement of the idea of common descent. Remember, young kids are very impressionable. The Tarzan books were once banned because there was no evidence that Tarzan and Jane were legally married.
>>>>>> I think that what Barney's owners fear most about the Barney-bashing is the effect it can have on young kids. <
I'm sure that is true. <<<<<<
At least we agree on something.
Aside from looking like an asinine character, Barney is often seen as a bad influence on young children. A New York Times article from way back in 1993 says,
Barney is molding the future of our nation, and he's a bad influence.
Take, for example, his voice. He giggles and guffaws incessantly, beyond reason, beyond belief. His laugh alone is enough to make you want to harm him or yourself. I can't imagine the effect on the developing mind of long-term exposure to Barney's laugh. But one clear implication of Barney's persona is that friendliness and idiocy go together. A lesson for our times: Smart is bad. Dumb is good.
Barney's second problem is the crowd he hangs out with. They are soooo nice. They are world-class nice. Next to Barney and his friends, Sandy Duncan is a flesh-eating succubus. It's not that I want my children watching "Bram Stoker's 'Dracula.' " But there are age-appropriate villains who add a little spice to toddlers' entertainment. My 2-year-old son is comfortable with Oscar the Grouch from "Sesame Street," and with Oscar's colleague Bert, who is not all sweetness and light. My son is also fascinated by the wolf in the story of the three little pigs. He feels, if I may translate his comments, that the wolf adds an element of suspense and reflects the unarguable presence of danger in the world.
And here is another commentary on Barney:
Another television program whose characters have an impact on children would be Barney the Dinosaur and his friends. Barney is the purple dinosaur that the children love and consider another best friend. Barney and his friends only show that this world is happy and it is easy to solve problems. Barney offers our children a one-dimensional world where everyone must be happy and everything must be resolved right away(Levy). It is bad influence on the children because this world is not perfect. Children need to learn that real life is not that simple because problems can occurs at any times and stress, frustration and loneliness are possible. When Barney trips on toys cars and crashes to the floor, he is bruised and in pain, but throughout the ordeal, he giggles (Levy). He makes the children believe that when they are in pain they should giggle or laugh. Barney and his friends do not help children to deal realistically with problems because children cry when they hurt instead of giggles. Parents should teach their children that when they hurt or are having problems it is okay to ask for help.
In Wagner's opera "Siegfried," the hero, "Siegfried," was able to accomplish great things because the dwarf who raised him, Alberich, forgot to teach him fear. But that is just mythology.
So all the Barney-bashing is really not that hard to understand.
> Talk is cheap. <
I have hesitated to post any of this crap because many examples of it can be found in the first page when the terms "barney" +"parody" are googled. Here is the first one:
I hate you!
You hate me!
Let's hang Barney from a tree!
With a knife through his back and a gun to his head,
Pull the trigger, Barney's dead!
That was almost as dumb and tasteless as yours, but you asked.
You doubt a lot of true things.
> What is your theory of where the term "mickey mouse" came from? <
What is the evidence for your Mickey Mouse theory?
>>>>> I thought that Wikipedia items were supposed to have citations before being posted <
Some things require citations, others don't. <<<<<<
> But under the Wickedpedia rules, the things requiring citations are supposed to get them before being posted on Wickedpedia. <
Some things require citations, others don't.
> The Teletubbies are not misrepresentations of vicious animals. <
As are teddy bears. How do you know anyway? Have you seen any tame teletubbies on your planet?
> BTW, the homophobes have been complaining that the color of one of the Teletubbies, purple, is a gay pride color. I wonder why the same complaint has not been leveled at Barney. <
It has been.
> Also, the purple teletubby carries a bag that has been likened to a woman's handbag, leading to charges that he is a drag queen. Also, I wonder why I have not seen any complaints that the line "we're a happy family" in Barney's theme song is an endorsement of the idea of common descent. <
What??? Where is the analogy there?
> Remember, young kids are very impressionable. The Tarzan books were once banned because there was no evidence that Tarzan and Jane were legally married. <
These people had dirty minds. Tarzan and Jane spent their time playing chess. They slept in separate beds just like Lucy and Desi.
>>>>> I have hesitated to post any of this crap because many examples of it can be found in the first page when the terms "barney" +"parody" are googled. <<<<<
As usual, you are talking through your hat. I couldn't find any on the first page.
>>>>> Here is the first one: <<<<<
Finally! Thank you!
>>>>> What is the evidence for your Mickey Mouse theory? <<<<<
As good as the evidence for Darwinism. Mickey Mouse watches were the best-known Mickey Mouse products and their quality was very cheesy.
>>>>> I thought that Wikipedia items were supposed to have citations before being posted <
Some things require citations, others don't. <<<<<<
When the Wickedpedians say "citation needed," that means that they want a citation.
>>>>> Also, I wonder why I have not seen any complaints that the line "we're a happy family" in Barney's theme song is an endorsement of the idea of common descent. <
What??? Where is the analogy there? <<<<<<
OK -- here is the Darwinist version of Barney's theme song --
I love you,
you love me,
we're a happy family.
With a common descent,
and a link from me to you,
we have proof that it's all true.
< What is your theory of where the term "mickey mouse" came from? >
Historically, Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon character. Since people usually don't take animated cartoons very seriously, that was the origin of this disparaging usage. If Donald Duck had been first, his name would likely have been used in the same manner.
"Creators of Barney are to blame for this stuff"
How come you don't mention the obvious, which is that the Creation Museum makes "this stuff" inevitable and even necessary?
P.S. regarding the usage of "Mickey Mouse" to mean "amateurish" -- the first Disney cartoon was really quite primitive (if you've ever seen it). The Mickey Mouse character never quite recovered from it.
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