ICON-RIDS: an association of non-religious pro-ID scientists & scholars
"ICON-RIDS" -- that's a catchy acronym! Reminds me of my old organization that opposed the grossly unconstitutional $300 California "smog impact fee" on out-of-state vehicles -- CAUSTIC (Committee Against Unconstitutional Smog Taxes In California). And it was indeed a caustic organization -- one staffer in the state legislature called my campaign against the fee a "vendetta."
ICON-RIDS sounds like a good organization -- I have long believed that the Darwinists have been misusing the Constitution's establishment clause to suppress scientific ideas that they disagree with. The Darwinists call scientific criticism of Darwinism "pseudoscience," but since there is no constitutional separation of pseudoscience and state, the Darwinists exploit the so-called separation of church and state instead. What the Darwinists have actually done is establish Darwinism as a state religion. So those who are trying to remove Darwinism as a state religion are "disestablishmentarians," which would make the Darwinists opposing them "antidisestablishmentarians."
> International Coalition of Non-Religious ID Scientists & Scholars <
What an oxymoron! ID is religious and not scientific by any means.
> Reminds me of my old organization that opposed the grossly unconstitutional $300 California "smog impact fee" on out-of-state vehicles -- CAUSTIC <
Organization? Was it a one-man organization like your Association of Censoring Blowhards?
> one staffer in the state legislature called my campaign against the fee a "vendetta." <
That is accurate. Luckily there were more intelligent people who were able to win that case despite your bull in a chinashop activities.
> I have long believed that the Darwinists have been misusing the Constitution's establishment clause to suppress scientific ideas that they disagree with. <
You have given no examples of it.
> The Darwinists call scientific criticism of Darwinism "pseudoscience," <
Quite accurately. If there are any scientific criticisms of evolution, why have you been silent about them. ID is not scientific by any means.
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