Hypocritical Wes "Ding" Elsberry complains about censorship
The “intelligent design” creationists over at the Discovery Institute have long maintained a hypocritical stance. For public consumption, they say that they favor “teaching the controversy”. However, almost any time they control the forum, they pretty ruthlessly make it impossible for one to hear anything but their own spin on a topic. Now, they are asking for comments . . . . . .
. . . . . In the past, the DI’s “Evolution News and Views” (EN&V) blog has dispensed entirely with the concept of comments. However, a post there indicates that the DI is posed to break with their tendentious tradition, to at least some degree:Of course, you might want to discuss it with the scientists and scholars themselves. To that end, comments will be allowed on selected articles. All comments are held for moderation. The debate over evolution and intelligent design attracts all kinds, including those who detract from the conversation by their obnoxious behavior. In order to maintain a higher level of discourse, we will not publish comments that use foul language, ad hominem attacks, threats, or are otherwise uncivil.
Given their past history in moderation practice, though, I’d recommend that you compose any comments destined for EN&V in a text editor so that you can hang on to your work, without assuming that they will post and archive it on their site.
Well, Ding, the National Center for Science Education's blog still does not accept any comments at all.
When I complained about having technical difficulty in posting a comment on Ding's personal blog "Austringer," Ding answered, "that is so-o-o-o not my problem," and refused to post the comment for me.
Also, the Darwinists like to brag about how many Darwinist blogs have banned me. I guess they found my ideas about co-evolution to be too threatening (see the post-label group titled, "Non-ID criticisms of evolution").
It looks like your blog has died due to your total censorship of anything you can't answer.
You complain of being "arbitrarily" censored on other sites yet you point to places where you were censored for good cause after repeated warnings.
Even your sock puppets have disappeared.
>>>>>>>You complain of being "arbitrarily" censored on other sites yet you point to places where you were censored for good cause after repeated warnings.<<<<<<
You stupid dunghill, lots of other
undesired commenters were allowed to stay after "repeated warnings"-- because their commments were considered to be unpersuasive, unlike mine
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