Creation story makes more sense than the rest of the Bible
"As I see it, scientific knowledge is consistent with a religious belief in God. More so than the 'creationists[']' assertion that everything in the world has been precisely designed by the Creator. Because, then, how to account for human crimes and sins (including the Biblical Fall) and for all the catastrophes that pervade the natural world?"
Well, Francisco, if you cannot answer that question, why do you expect the creationists to be able to answer it? The question of why the world is imperfect is beyond the scope of biblical creationism. According to the Bible, the world as it was originally created was perfect -- for example, there was a Garden of Eden and even the snake had legs.
As I have discussed before, the Bible's creation story actually makes much more sense than some other parts of the Bible, such as the gospel. The creation story is fairly straightforward whereas the gospel is full of illogic, inconsistencies, contradictions, ambiguities, and unintelligibility. And the creation story is consistent with the idea of an all-powerful god whereas the god of the gospel is a weak, limited god who must struggle against Satan for control of the world.
Anyway, to me the big problem is that the Darwinists ignore fair scientific criticisms of Darwinism and pretend that science vs. religion is the only issue in the evolution debate.