Update (02-19-07 @ 12:35 PM PST):
More info is on Panda's Thumb.
AOL news article says,
ATLANTA (AP) - A Jewish organization is demanding an apology from a Georgia legislator for a memo that says the teaching of evolution should be banned because it is a myth propagated by an ancient Jewish sect.
State Rep. Ben Bridges denies writing the memo, which attributes the Big Bang theory to Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism.
Bridges has long opposed the teaching of evolution in Georgia classrooms and has introduced legislation requiring only that "scientific fact" be taught.
Marshall Hall, president of the Fair Education Foundation, says the Republican lawmaker gave him approval to write the memo, which has been distributed to legislators in several states, including California and Texas.
The memo asks readers to challenge the "evolution monopoly in the schools" by logging onto Hall's anti-evolution Web site, www.fixedearth.com .
"Indisputable evidence - long hidden but now available to everyone - demonstrates conclusively that so-called 'secular evolution science' is the Big Bang, 15-billion-year, alternate 'creation scenario' of the Pharisee Religion," says the memo, which has Bridges' name on it. "This scenario is derived concept-for-concept from Rabbinic writings in the mystic 'holy book' Kabbala dating back at least two millennia."
The Anti-Defamation League sent a letter to Bridges on Thursday chastising him for the memo and demanding him to apologize.
"Your memo conjures up repugnant images of Judaism used for thousands of years to smear the Jewish people as cult-like and manipulative," wrote Bill Nigut, the league's Southeast regional director.
LOL -- there is kind of a poetic justice here because the ADL and some other Jewish groups have been among the most intolerant Darwinist groups, and as the saying goes, "what goes around comes around." Jewish groups have been pro-Darwinist plaintiffs, amici or cheerleaders in
several court cases concerning evolution education; Judge Jones has
spoken at ADL meetings on at least two occasions; and ADL national director Abraham Foxman
vehemently denounced a TV program that linked Darwin to Hitler. On the other hand, some Jews, particularly Orthodox Jews, have
strongly opposed Darwinism.
HB 179, a bill introduced in Georgia by Rep. Bridges, says,
House Bill 179 calls for an end to all teaching of evolution-based “science” in tax supported education in the State of Georgia. It does so on precisely the same legal grounds that the Courts have consistently and correctly ruled against the teaching of creation-based “science”. It is now known that “evolution science’ is derived concept for concept from a “holy book” of a particular religion. Therefore, it too has a religious agenda and its status relevant to the “Establishment Clause” of the Constitution of the United States now begs to be re-considered by the Courts. . . .
. . . Included here is documentation which confirms that “evolution science” is NOT “secular science” as the Courts have viewed it to be, but is, in fact, an alternate religious “creation scenario” which is derived concept for concept from the Kabbala, a mystic, anti-Christ “holy book” of the Pharisee Sect of Judaism.
As the saying goes, often an offense is the best defense. LOL
Here is
another news article about the memo.
Labels: Evolution controversy (1 of 4)